Saturday, December 17, 2011

Where is the best photo op location to get the Hollywood sign?

Would like a family photo with the Hollywood sign as backdrop. Prefer a close shot of sign as backdrop versus distant. Anyone have a great location for this shot? Ideally an address or park name or cross streets, etc.... Thanks!|||I just saw a tv show where a guy proposed to his girlfriend below the sign.

You can't get to the sign, it's fenced off. But you can get close. Check the Griffith park website for the hiking trails.

If that's too much, consider the observatory. You can see the sign quite well, and framed right, you can get a pretty good shot.|||Good luck. The area is fenced off, but there is a pretty good location outside of the fence. Can't remember the name of the road to get up there. You drive up, but it is a steep climb.|||Check out above the Griffith observatory. Beachwood canyon is the road that can get you there but it is too close to get a picture.

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