Thursday, December 15, 2011

What do American themselves think of the hollywood movies?

some movies is really horrible that scrare me and make me feel very scare about the America,how come that hollywood would made such terrible movies? only for the money?|||Don't take all American movies seriously. We aren't all running around with guns blazing, shooting anything that moves. Many Americans are very peaceful, and just want to live quietly. yes, they make those movies for the money.|||I hate Twilight. Twilight is overrated, horrible acting and the worst movie that I've ever seen in my whole entire f*cking life!

R.I.P MJ|||I have no idea what you are talking about. Movies are purely for entertainment.|||This would be easier with some examples, but most American movies are made for money, and only money. The studios spend a lot of time and trouble finding out who goes to movies, and what they are likely to see. So the movies break down into five basic categories: loud, violent movies for guys 13-21; sappy, maudlin movies for girls 13-21; combinations of the previous two; children's movies; and everything else. Just about everything good falls into the last two categories.

And there are a lot of good ones out there. It just takes a bit of searching.|||I think the people that make the movie like the scripts, but the movie turns out not to be terrible, but have mixed reactions,people have different

opinions, that's all, for example Twilight is a chick flick,something most guys don't like,but I haven't seen it so I can't give my opinion, I have seen Transformers 2 which i haven't heard too many good things about,and liked the movie,the crude humour didn't stop me from enjoying good action scenes,good voice acting and the story, I don't think robots need character development,but that's my opinion and like I said people have different opinions.

So they do it for the script and money.|||I agree, some are so bad it's unbearable. The US is billions of dollars in debt and they decide to use millions to fund some crack pot director to make a stupid, mindless movie. Cause the world really needs another Transformers movie ( complete sarcasm) =\|||....many American movies, particularly Blockbusters, are made essentially for capitalist gain these days, unlike the "old days", pre Eighties, when class acting, storylines and personalities were key.

Way of the world right now, unfortunately.....

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