Thursday, December 15, 2011

How Come People Never Talk About The Overrepresentation Of Blacks And Italian Americans In Hollywood?

Jews aren't the only group that are overrepresented in Hollywood. Go to wikipedia and search for list of Italian American actors, and it is a HUGE list of people even though Italian Americans make up only 6% of the U.S population. And the same for Blacks, there is a HUGE list of Black actors even though they make up only 13% of the U.S population.|||.. and blacks in sports.. no one ever says a word about that!|||I agree, there are no White Anglo-Saxons in movies %26amp; TV shows, and it's just too easy for Blacks to get Hollywood deals. They're in all the Blockbusters. I just watched Harry Potter and Inception - didn't see one White person in there but it was filled with Blacks.

You are right, Blonde haired White women can't get deals in Hollywood, but Black women make up about about 90% of the female roles.|||I'm not upset over the over representation of Blacks, but the misrepresentation of History due to a lawsuit that force movie industries to hire more African Americans. It's bad enough that they shop up on period pieces set in Europe, but they make it look like there was no discrimination during Vietnam war.

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